Sisterlock Adoration: Finding True Hair Freedom

This blog mostly follows my hair transition to Sisterlocks(TM), but it also gives me an outlet for my occasional social commentary. I always look forward to hearing from you about my hair or my diatribes. Thanks for visiting! ***BTW- Please do not copy my pictures without permission.***

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Introducing a New Addition to the Sisterlock Family

Hi All,

I wanted to take an opportunity to introduce Ms. Brandy, a new addition to our Sisterlock family. She e-mailed me a few months ago as she was contemplating sisterlocks. She currently lives in Washington D.C. but is originally from Austin. Brady will be moving back to Texas soon. She locked November 6, starting with about 6-7 inches of hair on top and in the middle and 3.5 inches of hair in the back. She's 9 months preggers (may have had the baby by now) and has that beautiful pregnancy glow! Aren't her sisterlocks adorable? Show her some love ya'll! Welcome to the Sisterlock Family Ms. Brandy.

Happy Holidays,
Sisterlock Adoration


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You and your locks are beautiful. Congratulations on your pregnancy also. Welcome to the family!


11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Ms. Brandy! Congrats on the baby! Your locks have such a cute shape. Enjoy the journey!

8:31 PM  
Blogger ChoclatNapps said...

her locks are gorgeous! i'm actually in the DC area and looking for good consultant...does Brandy have a page that i can contact her at for her consults contact info?

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandy you look beautiful! Congrats on your new baby and your new journey with sisterlocks!

10:52 PM  

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